Cheat (Password) Counter Strike Extreme V.6
ini saya akan memposting tentang cheat counter strike extreme v6. game
ini merupakan salah satu game yang cukup populer di dunia. Seperti
saya nih gan.... saya memiliki game ini merupakan pengganti dari game
Point Blank. Karena di rumah saya PCnya tidak dapat mencakup semua
minimum requirements game PB, makadari itu saya lebih memilih game ini
sebagai gantinya. Terkadang saya pikir bosen juga kalau memainkan
sebuah game itu tidak ada cheatnya. Seperti game CS ini sobat blogger.
Cheat game CS ini lumayan susah juga
loh untuk dicari. Bahkan saya menemukan cheat tersebut diberitahu
oleh teman sesekolahan saya. Nah, Maka dari itu bagi sobat yang mau
cheat CS tersebut silahkan aja nih liat di sini....
WORK 100%
Effect | Code |
$16,000 | impulse101 |
Adjust gravity | sv_gravity <-999 - 999999> |
Arctic sniper rifle give | spaceweapon_awp |
Auto-aim with sniper rifle | sv_aim |
Auto-reload disabled | -reload |
Auto-reload enabled | +reload |
Change crosshair color | adjust crosshair |
Change skins | skin |
Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting | crosshair <1-5> |
Faster backwards motion | cl_backspeed 999 |
Faster forward motion | cl_forwardspeed 999 |
Faster side motion | cl_sidespeed 999 |
Get indicated item | give |
Hyper auto-aim disabled | sv_clienttrace 0000 |
Hyper auto-aim enabled | sv_clienttrace 9999 |
Level select | changelevel |
Reveal how much time is left on the map | timeleft |
See and fire through walls and objects, default is 3600 | gl_zmax<0-9999> |
See things brightly without flashlight | lambert -1.0001 |
Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6(For use on server machine only) | mp_freezetime |
Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5(For use on server machine only) | mp_roundtime <3-15> |
Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0(For use on server machine only) | mp_timelimit |
SetC4 timer | mp_c4timer <1-100> |
Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1 | ah <0 or 1> |
Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1 | cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1> |
Toggle flashlight use, default is 1(For use on server machine only) | mp_flashlight <0 or 1> |
Toggle footsteps, default is 1(For use on server machine only) | mp_footsteps <0 or 1> |
Toggle friendly fire(For use on server machine only) | mp_friendlyfire <0 or 1> |
Toggle graph | net_graph <0 or 1> |
Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1 | dm <0 or 1> |
Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0 | ghosts <0 or 1> |
Unbind key command | unbind |
View other players' frags | cl_hidefrags 0 |
Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution | r_lightmap 1 |
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